naturally reared english shepherds

First 2018 ES Litter Coming Soon!

We are tickled pink to announce Niamh’s much-anticipated first litter!!! The sire is Jake of Hunter’s Trail- a gorgeous Black & White, accomplished competitive agility dog in Virginia. Jake and Niamh’s puppies are due February 20, 2018. They will be ready for their new homes in May. As per classic English Shepherd versatility, they should [...]

Teaching Old Dogs- the Adventure Box

You know what they say; an owner sometimes looks like their dog? While I don’t know about the looks part, we definitely have the temperament of our English Shepherd breed- loyal, affectionate, protective of their own, etc. They, whoever “they” are, also say you can’t teach old dog’s new tricks. ES love to learn their [...]

Baby Season Has Begun!

Yep, its official… baby season is here!   Cedar the Alpine dairy goat had twin girls on Saturday morning. Colette my milk cow delivered a bull calf on Monday morning.   Brie the Nubian/Boer cross goat is due any moment. Ailagh’s puppies and Abigail’s calf will be close on their heels. And then there are [...]

Litter News!

Fahey and Ailagh are expecting puppies mid-February 2016!   If you haven't already, request and return your completed Puppy Application to us soon.   Also, this will likely be the last time we cross Fahey and Ailagh, so if you have been wanting one of their amazing puppies in particular, now is the time for [...]

By |2016-01-08T14:04:22-08:00December 23rd, 2015|English Shepherds, Homesteading, Puppies, Ranch Life|0 Comments
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