‘PR’ Highland Glenn’s Quincy Grace
DOB: February 20, 2018
Registry: UKC
Health Screens: (as per parentage) MDR1- normal/normal, CEA- n/n, DM- n/n, prcd- n/n
Quincy is the darling Black & White daughter of our Niamh, making her the third generation of our English Shepherds and 2nd Generation Naturally Reared. Her Irish name means “fifth” since she was puppy number five in the litter (coincidentally, so was her mother Niamh!)
Quincy is such a joy! She is sweet, kind with visitors, likes to fetch, is quiet and calm around the stock, likes to stay nearby, and has a wonderful recall. Not to mention her contagious exuberance for life!
In all honesty, we have not come to know half of Quincy’s full potential. Since choosing her to keep from this very special litter, life took several heartbreaking twists and turns for us. No matter how sad I may feel, I always know Quincy is ready to give one of her genuine hugs and look deep into my soul with those radiant eyes.
As is the case with many English Shepherds, Quincy is a bossy girl! She is a great watchdog alerting with the rest of her ES family when predators are too close or something is amiss. She has a keen mind and is a fast learner.
We adore our Quincy girl!
Pedigree: Jake of Hunter’s Trail (ESCR, UKC) x Highland Glenn’s Niamh Rose (UKC, ESCR)
Lines: Oney, Sallee, Partlow, Dersam, Beebe, Butcher, Shininger, Vetaly, Mohn, Anderson, Merz, Wilson.
- playing with wool
- 11 months old