Monthly Archives: February 2022

Chicken Chronicles, edition 1

It’s time to update you on how the chickens have been doing! As chicks, they were brooded with zero electricity. Instead, we used a cold brooder and a Mother Hen box (you can read that blog post here). It has yielded some interesting anecdotal results, most notably: The Delaware and Blue Australorp started laying eggs [...]

Meet the Ranch Cat

This is Miss Kitty Mae, our new Ranch cat! And is she ever a sweetie pie. I have never known a cat that loves dogs the way she does either! Can't really call her a barn cat because we don't have a proper barn, but rodent control and feline friendship are her duties all the [...]

By |2022-02-12T10:32:27-08:00February 12th, 2022|Homesteading, ranch cat, Ranch Life|0 Comments
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