Ranch Life

Frontier Frittata

This frittata is one of my go-to dishes for its simplicity, versatility, and utter deliciousness. Whether for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner, a couple ingredients or chock full, it’s another great use of eggs when we’re swimmin’ in them.   The variations are limited only by your imagination: bacon with cheddar, ham and Swiss, pork [...]

Autumn Colors

Every year people travel to the east coasts deciduous forests to see the glorious autumn colors at their peak. However, many do not realize that certain conifer forests can be just as colorful. Some folks search out forests heavy with the western Larch tree.   In our county the conifer forest is mixed with fir, [...]

By |2017-10-27T13:28:54-07:00October 27th, 2017|Ranch Life|0 Comments

Exciting News from Krystal!

As of August 2017, I am a student, studying to become a board certified Small Animal Naturopath. After wanting to do this for 8 years, it is utterly exciting!   It’s been many, many, many years since I’ve had class/homework, so it is challenging my brain which is a good thing. I am enjoying the [...]

By |2017-10-27T13:23:25-07:00October 27th, 2017|Ranch Life|1 Comment

Year of the Birds

Although the title sounds a bit Hitchcock-esque, I assure you there is nothing mysterious in the meaning! You see, spring/summer of 2017 has brought more wild babies of the feathered variety to the ranch than we have seen before, thus year of the birds. First, a Red Breasted Robin pair started things off by building [...]

By |2017-07-31T17:37:12-07:00July 31st, 2017|Homesteading, Ranch Life|0 Comments

Little Houses

Love grows best in Little Houses with fewer walls to separate. Where you eat and sleep so close together, you can’t help but communicate. And if we had more room between us think of all we’d miss! Love grows best in Little Houses just like this.    

By |2017-07-31T17:18:50-07:00July 31st, 2017|Homesteading, Ranch Life|0 Comments

Teaching Old Dogs- the Adventure Box

You know what they say; an owner sometimes looks like their dog? While I don’t know about the looks part, we definitely have the temperament of our English Shepherd breed- loyal, affectionate, protective of their own, etc. They, whoever “they” are, also say you can’t teach old dog’s new tricks. ES love to learn their [...]

Sunny Hard-Cooked Eggs

As mentioned in an earlier post, we love eggs. And one of our favorite ways to enjoy them is hard cooked- for snacks, as a quick light meal, in egg salad, etc. So for us one of the main selling points of the All American Sun Oven is the ability to hard cook eggs without [...]

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