kitchen garden

Long Time No Blog

Can it really be so long since I last posted? Apparently so. As you can guess, it's been busy on the Ranch. Life in general get's that way! We've dealt with personal health challenges, installed a septic system, welcomed another granddaughter into the family, raised a litter of Havanese puppies, and survived a pandemic... among [...]

Krystal’s 2015 Winter Garden Journal

September 8, 2015: During summer I discovered a terrific author, Caleb Warnock. He writes and teaches about the methods used by Utah’s pioneers, baking with wild yeast, and (this is the one that really opened my eyes) a book solely about winter gardening… using cold frames and hot beds, no heat or electricity, no expensive [...]

Favorite Seed Catalogs

Yes it's that time of year! Lately, I find my mind wandering to spring planting of the kitchen garden, my mouth watering at the thought of the many heirloom vegetables to come. Of course, the seed catalogs arriving in the mail each week only encourage such dreaming and scheming! This list is the companies I [...]

By |2015-01-28T12:53:44-08:00January 28th, 2015|Gardening, Homesteading, Ranch Life|0 Comments
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