Monthly Archives: April 2021

Kitchen Garden 2021

We are back in green this year with the kitchen garden! We can hardly wait to reap the benefits on the dinner plate. For the past few years, we have not had a vegetable garden- the raised beds weren’t finished, not enough water, other projects became a priority, etc. Over the winter, Krystal was introduced [...]

By |2021-04-28T09:27:42-07:00April 28th, 2021|Gardening, herbs, Homesteading, Ranch Life|0 Comments

New Chicks on the Ranch

On March 20, 2021, a batch of new chicks arrived on the ranch! Being that we have yet to find a breed that fits what we’re looking for in a sustainable homestead flock, we decided to try two new heritage breeds: Delaware and Australorp (the blue variety.) We are also using some techniques to brood [...]

Senior Dogs

We live with three "senior" dogs now- Fahey, Ailagh, and Niamh. Time sure flies by. To look in their face or watch them run, you'd never know it! That is the power of Natural Rearing. Here is a great article with tips for living with a senior dog-

Mammary Tumor in Siobhan

We have always said that Natural Rearing is not a panacea. Things happen because there is environmental pollution completely out of our control. At the end of January 2021, we discovered a hard mammary tumor on Siobhan. Her behavior, energy, appetite, and mood were perfectly normal. The tumor was not there two months prior to [...]

By |2021-04-09T12:59:53-07:00April 9th, 2021|animal health, English Shepherds|0 Comments
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