Off Grid Life

Sunny Hard-Cooked Eggs

As mentioned in an earlier post, we love eggs. And one of our favorite ways to enjoy them is hard cooked- for snacks, as a quick light meal, in egg salad, etc. So for us one of the main selling points of the All American Sun Oven is the ability to hard cook eggs without [...]

Homestead Tools – the ultimate solar appliance!

We’re starting a new blog theme called “Homestead Tools”. This is where we will periodically share with you the tools that are must-haves on our off-grid homestead. To kick it off, we introduce the All American Sun Oven, considered the ultimate solar appliance with good reason! Those who know me know that I am a [...]

What Off-Grid Means to Us

Off-grid… off-the-grid are terms heard and read frequently these days. What is a grid? What does living off-grid mean? And why do it in the first place?   Being off-grid is by no means a new concept, although it is fairly new in the consciousness of most in these days of mass media. Think about [...]

Krystal’s 2015 Winter Garden Journal

September 8, 2015: During summer I discovered a terrific author, Caleb Warnock. He writes and teaches about the methods used by Utah’s pioneers, baking with wild yeast, and (this is the one that really opened my eyes) a book solely about winter gardening… using cold frames and hot beds, no heat or electricity, no expensive [...]

New Blog Feature- “Month in Pictures”

I am starting a new blog feature called “Month in Pictures”.   It will be posted at the end of each month. Each post will most likely be wordless, and will feature Krystal's beautiful photography of life on and around the Ranch.   We hope you enjoy it!

“Country Diary of a 21st Century Lady”

We are pleased to announce Krystal’s latest and most personal book, “Country Diary of a 21st Century Lady”. This labor of love is a view of life here on our mountain ranch. Spanning the period of one year- 2014- it includes observations of the natural world surrounding us, the seasonal changes, animal life, and Indian [...]

By |2015-08-17T18:06:45-07:00August 17th, 2015|Homesteading, my Books, Off Grid Life, Ranch Life|0 Comments

The Book Shelf

"Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning..." - The Farmers and Gardeners of Terre Vivante This is a wonderful book of fruit and vegetable preservation secrets collected from readers of the French organic gardening magazine Les Quatres Saisons du Jardinage (Four Season Gardening). The methods described date back literally hundreds of years, but are still in [...]

Natural Udder Wash

A quick Google search will result in many homemade udder wash formulations and numerous commercial brands available. I have my own ‘secret formula’ because I prefer non-toxic, all natural products and appreciate making things inexpensively at home. My udder wash is mixed in a 16 oz. spray bottle, which uses less and is easy to [...]

Got Milk!

Over the past several years there has been a remarkable increase in the number of women, with a sprinkling of men, maintaining a family milk cow or dairy goats. Wonderfully there are no signs of the trend slowing down either! You can add me to that throng since 2012 marked the beginning of having my [...]

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