
Homestead Tools – the ultimate solar appliance!

We’re starting a new blog theme called “Homestead Tools”. This is where we will periodically share with you the tools that are must-haves on our off-grid homestead. To kick it off, we introduce the All American Sun Oven, considered the ultimate solar appliance with good reason! Those who know me know that I am a [...]

See the New Little Lambs!

The new Shetland lambs arrived during April! Here are just some of them (we have a lot this year!). Aren’t they cute?!   Most of them are Black (shown on the left with his black mother Hollyhock) or Moorit (which is various shades of brown) and a couple will lighten to Musket (cream or very [...]

By |2017-05-11T13:26:47-07:00May 11th, 2017|Homesteading, Ranch Life, shetland sheep|0 Comments

What Off-Grid Means to Us

Off-grid… off-the-grid are terms heard and read frequently these days. What is a grid? What does living off-grid mean? And why do it in the first place?   Being off-grid is by no means a new concept, although it is fairly new in the consciousness of most in these days of mass media. Think about [...]

Brahma Flock Update

The new flock of Brahma chickens is doing marvelous. We really, really, really (did I say really?) like the breed!!! So far we are quite impressed.   They started laying the end of January, albeit only one hen to begin with, but it’s still earlier than the other breeds. One month later they are laying [...]

By |2017-03-28T10:34:23-07:00March 28th, 2017|Homesteading, Poultry, Ranch Life, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Goat Kids Arrived!

Our dairy goats Cedar and Brie had their kids! They are tons of fun to watch romp around.   We are going to keep Cedar’s beautiful Chamoise buckling and wether him. He will be a companion for our herd buck Pepe when he is away from the girls. And I think it would be neat [...]

Krystal’s 2015 Winter Garden Journal

September 8, 2015: During summer I discovered a terrific author, Caleb Warnock. He writes and teaches about the methods used by Utah’s pioneers, baking with wild yeast, and (this is the one that really opened my eyes) a book solely about winter gardening… using cold frames and hot beds, no heat or electricity, no expensive [...]

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