Ranch Life

Kitchen Garden 2021

We are back in green this year with the kitchen garden! We can hardly wait to reap the benefits on the dinner plate. For the past few years, we have not had a vegetable garden- the raised beds weren’t finished, not enough water, other projects became a priority, etc. Over the winter, Krystal was introduced [...]

By |2021-04-28T09:27:42-07:00April 28th, 2021|Gardening, herbs, Homesteading, Ranch Life|0 Comments

New Chicks on the Ranch

On March 20, 2021, a batch of new chicks arrived on the ranch! Being that we have yet to find a breed that fits what we’re looking for in a sustainable homestead flock, we decided to try two new heritage breeds: Delaware and Australorp (the blue variety.) We are also using some techniques to brood [...]

Long Time No Blog

Can it really be so long since I last posted? Apparently so. As you can guess, it's been busy on the Ranch. Life in general get's that way! We've dealt with personal health challenges, installed a septic system, welcomed another granddaughter into the family, raised a litter of Havanese puppies, and survived a pandemic... among [...]

Welcome Home, Shiloh!

May 15th couldn’t come soon enough. That was the day chosen for the arrival of our little Havanese family addition. Welcome home to the ranch, Shiloh! As Natural Rearing Breeders of English Shepherds and Krystal being a Certified Small Animal Naturopath, finding a Naturally Reared Havanese puppy was vitally important. We found Patty Jicha of [...]

Being Ready for Winter

Every autumn the age-old question “Are you ready for winter?” starts to pepper local conversations. Being ready for winter in our remote mountain area means different things for different people. Some things need doing every year; others don’t, so our list changes from year-to-year. For 2018 it includes the following: Cut, chop, and stack firewood- [...]

By |2018-12-09T16:55:40-08:00December 9th, 2018|Homesteading, Off Grid Life, Ranch Life|0 Comments

The Trouble With Baking Soda

A few years ago, a friend mentioned something about chemicals in baking soda. I dismissed it thinking she must have meant to say baking powder, not soda. We all know there is aluminum in baking powder. And then I started watching this neat YouTube channel called Off Grid with Doug and Stacy. In one video, [...]

By |2019-04-24T08:58:07-07:00August 14th, 2018|Cooking, Homesteading, Ranch Life|0 Comments

Baby Rabbits Soon!

After a few years without, it appears we will finally have baby rabbits soon! Oh boy, I do love baby bunnies. Okay, okay, I love all the babies! Our black Satin doe Velvet is due the end of June. Satin rabbits are friendly, known for their lustrous fur that is wonderful for tanning, and are [...]

By |2018-06-21T11:01:06-07:00June 21st, 2018|Homesteading, Rabbits, Ranch Life|0 Comments

First 2018 ES Litter Coming Soon!

We are tickled pink to announce Niamh’s much-anticipated first litter!!! The sire is Jake of Hunter’s Trail- a gorgeous Black & White, accomplished competitive agility dog in Virginia. Jake and Niamh’s puppies are due February 20, 2018. They will be ready for their new homes in May. As per classic English Shepherd versatility, they should [...]

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